Renewable energy

Renewable energy /Non renewable energy /

Global Impact of Renewable Resources.

Renewable energy  

  •  renewable resource is a natural resource which usage and consumption again and again(in one form to another form) ,it's energy not run out, either through natural reproduction or other recurring processes in a finite amount of time in a human time scale. Renewable resources are a part of Earth's natural environment and the largest components of its ecosphere. A positive life cycle assessment is a key indicator of a resource's sustainability.
  •  A renewable resource, essentially, has an endless supply such as solar energy, wind energy, and geothermal pressure. Other resources are considered renewable even though some time or effort must go into their renewal (e.g., wood, oxygen, leather, and fish). Most precious metals are renewable also. Although precious metals are not naturally replaced, they can be recycled because they are not destroyed during their extraction and use.
Non renewable energy

  • non-renewable resource is a natural resource that cannot be readily replaced by natural means at a quick enough pace to keep up with consumption.
  • There are four major types of nonrenewable resources: oil, natural gascoal, and nuclear energy. Oil, natural gas, and coal are collectively called fossil fuels. Fossil fuels were formed within the Earth from dead plants and animals over millions of years—hence the name “fossil” fuels.
  • it's energy one times will be ended because it is found in limits use.

Global Impact of Renewable Resources

  • Renewable resources have become a focal point of the environmental movement, both politically and economically. Energy obtained from renewable resources puts much less strain on the limited supply of fossil fuels, which are nonrenewable resources. The problem with using renewable resources on a large scale is that they are costly and, in most cases, more research is needed for their use to be cost-effective.
  • Adopting sustainable energy is often referred to as "going green" due to the positive impact on the environment. Energy sources such as fossil fuels damage the environment(i.e it affected on the living thing) when burned and contribute to global release such type of gas CO,CO2,N etc.
  • To encourage the use of renewable resources, there are many incentives designed to encourage the use of alternative energy. For example, energy taxes place a surcharge on fossil fuels so that the prices of renewable resources are more competitive and people will be more inclined to use renewable energy. Green funds, investment vehicles such as mutual funds, support eco-friendly and sustainable companies by investing in them and helping to promote environmental awareness.


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